Pro Marine's revolutionary Drill Powered Thin Line Haulers (Pot Pullers) and Flex-Fold Traps are so compact and versatile that anyone with any type and size of boat, including kayaks and dinghies, can use them to enjoy the bounty of the ocean. Save money, free up space, and minimize the disappointment of coming up empty handed using our new Thin Line Technology.
It's time to switch to Thin Line Prawning.
Products Available at your local marine store or online Worldwide shipping
As recreational fishers, we’ve all heard these complaints more than once. “Damn !! I lost my trap! ” -- “I could have sworn that’s where I set my trap” -- “What !! No prawns?”
We all know that when a trap is moving nothing is getting in. The secret is to stop your traps from moving and reduce the drag. Pro Marine's revolutionary Thin Line Technology is all about minimizing drag, and being compact and efficient to make fishing for prawns more successful than you could ever imagine. CLICK HERE FOR MORE